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Learning Support

Many children benefit from additional support at some time during their school life whether for educational, social or emotional needs. We strive to be responsive to the particular strengths and weaknesses of all our pupils in order to give them every opportunity to reach their full potential.

The Head of Learning Support works closely with parents, class teachers and teaching assistants to ensure any concerns are identified and closely monitored. Initially, needs are addressed within the class setting by appropriate differentiation and TA support.

Continued concern may indicate further specialist assessment by the Head of Learning Support in order to build a complete picture of a pupil’s learning profile. With this understanding, support can be tailored more specifically to ensure progression in weaker areas and to continue to develop areas of strength, and so confidence, self-esteem and independent learning are nurtured.

Experienced teaching assistants work with small groups and individuals to give specific support under the guidance of the Head of Learning Support. Learning Support Teachers work one to one with pupils who need more specialist input. We work closely with outside agencies, such as educational psychologist, speech and language therap.

Eastridge Christian School

89 Silwood Road

Bramley, Gauteng, 2090

Tel:  011 440 6900 / 011 010 7250

Cell: 083 377 2921 
